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We have three convenient locations in New Jersey.
Normally a child starts teething between 6 months to 12 months of age. Gums can often be sore and tender, and of course, your child often stops acting like the angel that he or she is!
When your child first starts teething, it’s not a bad idea to let Dr. Emily take a look at your child and determine if there are any oral issues you should be aware of. Dr. Emily recommends Mam Teethers, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes. She will be happy to recommend an appropriate teether for your child at his or her dental visit.
Your child’s primary teeth (baby teeth) play a crucial role in their dental development. Not only can children who lack certain primary teeth have difficulty enjoying certain foods, but primary teeth are vital to the development of the jaws and are used as a guide for your child’s permanent teeth.
It is important to know how to take care of these teeth as soon as they erupt in your child’s mouth.
You should expect a pleasant, comfortable, fun first visit! Honestly, that’s what you should expect for EVERY visit. We understand the anxiety your child may feel about visiting the dentist for the first time. Our goal is to build trust and put your child at ease during future dental visits.
We will record the child’s dental and medical history, complete a comprehensive examination, discuss any findings with you, and talk about a preventative dental health plan moving forward!
Dr. Emily and her staff will explain everything in detail and will answer any questions both you our your child may have!